ERP Consultancy and Training 
Specialising in ERP Consultancy, ERP Training and Change Management Consultancy

ERP Consultancy

There are many elements involved when deciding to invest in and implement an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System

  • Defining business processes
  • Which business processes will be included in the new ERP system
  • Which business processes will be excluded and how to integrate these into the new system
  • How to choose an ERP system, balancing functionality, complexity and cost
  • How to implement and lead organisation change management and communication for all users
  • How to define access requirements for individuals
  • Providing initial end user training
  • Developing training packages for future new users so the company can become self-sufficient if it wishes to be so


Azobe Solutions can provide advice and expertise in these areas, from initial consultation to support of an implementation.  Please contact Azobe Solutions to discuss your requirements and pricing structure.

ERP Training

For many businesses an ERP system is one of the most significant investments made to optimise the efficiency of the operation. 

If used well it can;

  • Improve on time delivery
  • Reduce arrears
  • Reduce inventory holding

If not well-understood and managed, data errors can lead to delays in shipment to customers, delays in payment and high levels of cash tied up in inventory. 


Ensuring all staff using the system are trained in not just their own tasks, but also in the principles of how an ERP system works, reduces errors and saves companies a significant amount of money.


Azobe Solutions are available for training in:

  • ERP System Principles (ideal for new starters, or new users of ERP systems)
  • ERP Systems Planning Parameters (ideal for planning and purchasing departments wanting to review use of planning and purchasing parameters in use within their ERP System)
  • Development of new training programmes for your company written to fulfil your unique requirements

Please contact Azobe Solutions to discuss your requirements and pricing structure.

Change Management

Any large change undertaken by an organisation requires careful planning and regular, targeted communication to those affected.  Azobe Solutions have experience in the following types of organisational change: 

  • Facility move
  • Changes in business ownership
  • Changes in quality management policy
  • Implementation of new business processes
  • Implementation of new IT systems

Alongside the project management of the change itself, an effective organisational change management strategy can ensure that your employees remain engaged throughout, ensuring the success of the change being implemented.  Azobe Solutions can work with you on:

  • Creating and executing a communication plan using different formats to appeal to different individuals
  • Readiness boards for functional leaders to assess their teams positions and take action where required to ensure change goes smoothly
  • Developing and rolling out training plans
  • Managing any crossover between old and new state
  • Creating a plan for the support required from day 1 of the change

Please contact Azobe Solutions to discuss your requirements and pricing structure.